Across the pond in sunny ol’ England, a lively rivalry between competing beer companies Stella Artois and Newcastle Brown Ale has taken a creative turn.
Stella Artois, a Belgium brew, recently launched a campaign featuring its trademark Wellington glass as a ‘chalice’. This campaign is aimed to celebrate the quality of the beer and brand with a fun and elevating title for the serving glass. Outdoor advertisements for the ‘chalice’ have sprung all over England.
Newcastle Brown Ale, an English brew, also recently launched a new ‘no bullocks’ campaign featuring a straight approach to making and drinking beer with some major humor. This campaign focuses on quality beer not needing fluff and flowery overtures, just great flavor. First supported by television advertisements about the beer making process and its own glass, the campaign truly busted out of the gate with its recently posted outdoor advertisements in response to Stella Artois’ ‘chalice’.
What do you think of Newcastle’s creative outdoor approach? Is it tons of fun or too ‘cheeky’? Let us know!
We loved Newcastle’s new television campaign. Check out a sampling of the television campaign below!