Regardless of your industry, distributing a well-crafted and timely press release is an affordable yet effective method of gaining positive publicity for your brand or business.
Whether you’re hosting a fundraising event, announcing exciting additions to your team, or launching a new product or service, there are times you may want to share your company’s positive news with the public. While sharing via social media channels and on your website may help you get the word out, you could be missing out on a larger audience of potential customers who may be interested in the awesome things your company is doing.
That’s where the press release comes in! A press release is a short, compelling news story sent directly to members of the media intending to spark the interest of key journalists and publications. While the primary goal of distributing press releases may be to create awareness and buzz for your business and its happenings, the modern press release also serves many other functions.
Distributing timely, relevant, and impactful press releases is a great way to foster media relations and create a running dialogue with journalists looking for their next story to cover. However, since journalists are coming across hundreds of press releases a week, it’s essential to take the time to make sure your press release stands out from the rest.
If a publication does decide to run a story off your press release, its audience becomes your audience. This exposure not only boosts the visibility of your good news, but your organization as a whole. In addition, getting your news release picked up by media outlets, either as its own post or used in a more extensive article, will generate backlinks from the outlet’s website. These reputable backlinks benefit search engine optimization and can help your company’s website rank higher on search engines and generate more traffic to your site.
At RobMark, we have over 30 years of valuable experience in crafting and distributing impactful press releases that get our clients’ messages to the right outlets at the right times. Contact us today to see how we can help strengthen your organization’s public relations strategies.