This story is absolutely fascinating. Former Tonight Show host, Conan O’Brien, is best known for his red hair, his falling out with NBC over his talk show and most recently, his quirky and outrageous tweets that often make no sense whatsoever. Here is one such example:
“Today I connected all the freckles on my arm with a Sharpie. It spells out RIKSHAZ9LIRK. Clearly I am The Chosen One.”
Though he just joined Twitter in late February after becoming unemployed and seemingly bored, Conan O’Brien is already up to 586,882 followers. He did not, however, follow anyone himself until this past Friday, March 5th when he tweeted: “I’ve decided to follow someone at random. She likes peanut butter and gummy dinosaurs. Sarah Killen, your life is about to change.”
Sure enough, Sarah Killen, or @LovelyButton, went from three followers to 17,343 as of today. A native of Michigan, Sarah has since become a celebrity in her own right. The best part? She is using her newfound fame for good. After receiving several thousand followers in the first few hours of becoming Conan’s only “Twitter pal,” Sarah quickly finished a fundraising page she had been working on for the 2010 Susan G. Komen Michigan 3-Day for the Cure, a 60-mile, three-day walk in August to raise money for breast cancer research. She plans to participate in the walk with her mother and fiancé as breast cancer runs in her family and the subject is close to her heart.
Sarah’s original fundraising goal was $1,000, but after linking the page from her Twitter, she surpassed this mark in record time she upped the ante to $5,000. And wouldn’t you know she’s already more than halfway there. Sarah summed up her reaction to the day that changed her life as such: “this is the most awesome day ever.”